Dedicated to the Education and exploration of Bonsai
I was working as an art director for a well known pet toy company and I wasn’t happy there. I had been there for many years and felt like I needed a change. I was talking to my dad and he asked me “If money wasn’t an issue what would you do?” I told him I’d do bonsai, so he said that’s what I should do. We had this same discussion a couple of times and finally, as I was driving to do a bonsai workshop in Nebraska, I told the universe that if they booked me before I left, I’d leave my job to do bonsai for a living. While I was there, the host kept asking me to look at dates for the following year. I said I would, but I was trying to let it happen organically and not for anything. As I was packing to head home, we sat on his porch and he said I should come for five days, two times the following year. We booked dates and he asked me if I needed to first check with my work. I told him I didn’t need to. The universe has shown me my new direction.

At First Branch Bonsai we strive to push the limits and expand the artform of bonsai. We focus on many aspects of design but one of the main focuses is using Native species of North America and the Rocky Mountains.